How to Fold a Suit Jacket for Travel

How to Fold a Suit Jacket for Travel


When going on a business trip, you need to pack your best and look your best. Sadly, most formal clothes are prone to wrinkles. You might get them ironed in the hotel, but sometimes there is no time.

In that case, you need to pack your suit jacket smartly so that you can wear them without dry cleaning.

Here is how to fold your suit jacket for travel

Clean and press your suit before packing

This is important as there is no point in packing a dirty or wrinkled jacket. If you have time take care of collars and lapels.

Unbutton the jacket before packing

This will ensure that there is no stress on the buttons or fabric. This is also to make sure that suit can be packed efficiently.

Turn the Left Shoulder Inside Out

This can be done by placing your each hand on each shoulder of the jacket. This protects the outer layer of the suit; any wrinkles will likely occur on inner layer which is now outside.

Put the right shoulder inside the pocket made by the left shoulder.

Right shoulder should slide back completely inside the left shoulder. Also, make sure the collar is neatly folded together. This makes the suit easier to fold.

Fold the Jacket in half

Smoothen any lapels and wrinkles.The outer lining will help the coat against other item’s pinches and wrinkles. Straighten the fabric of the jacket after folding. Now it can be packed in a bag.

Unfold the Jacket at destination

When you arrive at your destination, go through above process in reverse. Undo the horizontal and vertical folds and turn the suit inside out. There should be little to no wrinkling. If you don’t need the suit right away, you should hang the suit immediately after taking out.

There you have it. This method is easy and quick. It also the most recommended method by professionals.

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