5 Amazing Activities That Can Make Your Journey Fantastic

5 Amazing Activities That Can Make Your Journey Fantastic


Who doesn’t want their journeys or road trips to be fantastic? I don’t see a single hand raised so I’d pass the option of not giving my advice and disclose to you a few of my make-the-boring-trip-more-fun moves today! Traveling can be fun if you have the right people with you at the right time.

You indeed cannot travel with a mere acquaintance you liked the party the other night because you do not know them well enough, however; family and friends are always the best choices to consider for a fun trip! Let me tell you a few fun activities that you would love to perform during your journeys.

The Right Toys

If you have a toddler like me, journeying could get hard. You see, kids of this age are hyperactive, and they like to explore a lot. Their minds are filled with curiosity, and they are very creative. To contain this kind of energy when you’re not home, always keep things like color forms and magnetic play sets, etc. This allows the kids to be as created as they want to be, and they don’t get agitated.

Board Games

For adults and adolescents alike, board games are considered fun big time. If you’re headed out on a road trip, packing board games or a deck of cards would probably seem to be the sanest decision ever at some point in your journey. Options are many; you can opt to keep chess or even a monopoly packed if you have a group of people with you, it is just your personal preference. But make sure this board game doesn’t cause any quarrel in the group because that can often happen and it will spoil the fun of the entire trip.


Another one of my favorite activities during traveling is photography. Never forget to pack your camera and make the most out of scenery that you witness at both, your road trips and destination. It also helps one make some memories that can be looked back at years after years and remembered. Imagine showing them to your grandkids and telling them all about how adventurous you were back when you were young and how life used to be so different.


And now for the introverts and the quiet ones, who love to bury themselves in their books. Journeys are a perfect time to sit back and enjoy that tempting e-book that has been lurking in your iBooks for quite a few weeks now! Satiate your need for reading. Apart from reading, you can also carry a journal with you and write a short memoir of your journey, (or a long one if you are an amateur writer who wants to get published). Activities of this nature will help you stay productive and confident during your journey, and you won’t feel bad about just sitting on the plane seat doing nothing.

Give Yourself Facials

Did you know that traveling has an adverse impact on your skin? Traveling can potentially harm your skin and make its texture coarse since you are not cleansing your face regularly. Just get a few small plastic tubes and bottles and clean them thoroughly. Then add all the products you will need to give yourself a facial in each of them separately. Now you can easily give yourself a quick facial treatment before you hit the bed. Do not forget to moisturize your skin before you leave because the change in weather might dehydrate your skin making it appear dry.

I hope these simple tips helped you plan your next awesome trip.